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Massage therapy


The therapeutic massage allows to work more in depth with the muscular system. This massage is very effective to raise awareness of the muscular tensions in the human body and permits to release them.

Flush massage (sport massage)

The main objective of the flush massage is to prevent sport injuries, as much as possible, in preparing the muscle for physical activity. Also, it activates the bloodstream, maintains tissu softness and drains a muscles following physical activity. The flush massage is ideal for amateur or professional athletes as well as for people who want to regain their fitness.


The biocorporel massage is performed using a mixture of Swedish and Californian massage techniques and kinesitherapy. It is by far one of the most relaxing therapeutic treatments a person can receive. This type of massage is very effective to treat muscular articular pains (back pains, shoulder or other acute pain).

$85 / 1 hour

$112 / 1h30

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The Swedish massage procures a great muscular and phychological relaxation an in depth release of the muscular and psychological system, therefore contributing to an increase of the range of movement, the sensation of profound relaxation, the release of stress and the sensation of a profound of let go.

Pregnant women ** special table for expectant mother **

It is possible for the expectant mother to receive a massage lying on her belly, because of the special table for pregnant women. The adapted massage for pregnant women is performed with soft and encompassing movements. The massage is very effective to ease muscular or articular pains which are caused by the changes of the body during pregnancy or to give the future mother a moment of relaxation well deserved. Benefits of the massage for pregnant women:

  • Minimize sensation of heavy and painful legs
  • Increase blood circulation
  • Relieve back pains
  • Relieve shoulder and cervical pains
  • Provides better posture
  • Minimize stress
  • Relaxation and well-being
  • Enhance sleep


Avant de venir à la Clinique Charbonneau je semblais avoir tout essayé. Nerf sciatique coincé, douleurs et raideurs lombaires, problème d’épaule chronique. L’approche d’Anick est unique et spécifique, elle a su traiter chaque cas en profondeur avec un professionnalisme et souci exemplaire. Suite à une mauvaise fracture articulaire l’an passé, Anick a su me soulager et a grandement contribué à mon retour à mes activités sportives préférées. Depuis maintenant 3 ans, à fréquence d’une fois par mois, mon corps profite de ces traitements bénéfiques. Anick a clairement change ma vie…

Brad Boulton

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